Cartoon of a man with glasses consulting a book and holding up one finger
A.T. Tip of the Week

Provided by the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Act Program (MassMATCH)

April 30th, 2013

MathPad is an alternative and accessible tool used to support basic skill instruction in the areas of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Math problems can be quickly entered, displayed in the appropriate format, and solved with minimum keystrokes, movements or prompting. MathPad was designed to allow teachers to customize aspects of color, text and auditory feedback so that you can tailor the program to meet individual needs. MathPad is accessible through IntelliKeys, switches, a standard keyboard and the mouse. Learn more at this Intellitools Web page.

Logo for the Assistive Technology Regional Centers with two puzzle pieces and the words: See, Touch, and Try. Logo for the A.T. School Share with a school house surrounded by recycling arrows.
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Thanks to the Iowa Center for Assistive Technology Education and Research (ICATER) for generously sharing their tips with the national field of statewide AT Act programs.