Outline of the state of Massachusetts with people inside and "MassMATCH"MassMATCH NEWS Quarterly

Maximizing Assistive Technology in Consumers' Hands

Fall 2013
"Back to School"  
Two Journeys with Dyslexia and Assistive Technology
Sign Up for the A.T. Tip of the Week for Education!
Abilities Expo Boston: Easter Seals/MassMATCH Help Showcase A.T.
Access to Learning
New Searchable Database of Free and Archived Webinars on A.T.
The VisioBook Portable Magnifier
Upcoming State House A.T. Event
Get A.T. Stuff Highlights
Two Journeys with Dyslexia and Assistive Technology

Therese Willkomm and Carolyn Phillips share their stories and some favorite ways to write

Graphic of a feather quill pen, ink well, and paper. Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects the processing of written and, sometimes, spoken language. It is the most common form of language-based learning disability in the United States, yet it is often poorly identified or accommodated in school. For this reason, MassMATCH offers a look at two experiences with dyslexia and assistive technology (A.T.) gleaned from our
national A.T. program community--those of Therese Willkomm, Director of A.T. in NH, and Carolyn Phillips, Director of Tools for Life and the Pass It On Center in GA. Both Willkomm and Phillips were students with dyslexia; and each navigated her education to come out the other side evangelizing AT.

Act I: Therese Willkomm

"I want kids to know that even though they may learn differently, they still have an important contribution to make, that the way they see the world has value,"  emphasizes Therese Willkomm, PhD, speaking with MassMATCH last May. Willkomm grew up farming in Wisconsin; today she is a clinical assistant professor in the Dept. of Occupational Therapy at UNH, and the author of two how-to books on low-tech solutions for individuals with disabilities.

"When you grow up in a rural area farming, you know you're valued--I was one of ten kids--you have chores to do with animals, important things to do."  It wasn't until she entered school that she received a different message. "Children love to explore the world, and up until age six they're allowed to color outside the lines. But in first grade you learn there are rules for how you should see the world, rules for how you should write. I had a hard time right away because my letters kept going upside down and backwards."  

With her dyslexia unidentified, Willkomm struggled to read and write far into high school. As result, her expectations were vocational not academic. But then an English teacher, a woman who enjoyed her creativity, recognized her challenges. "She said to me, 'You're not stupid. You have a learning disability, and you can go to college.' "

She ended up at the University of Wisconsin-Stout. There she acquired her books on tape through Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic (RB&D, now Learning Ally). Instead of writing papers, she created slide presentations and gave oral reports. She achieved straight A's her first semester, and went on to graduate summa cum laude. Years of feeling stupid were mollified. "It was an incredibly positive experience," she says.

Early A.T. Strategies

Her success, however, had as much to do with her own ingenuity (and, of course, motivation), as with the accommodations themselves. It was the late 1970s, an era before software for text-to-speech with text highlighting and bookmarking (i.e. Kurzweil 3000, Read&Write Gold, VoiceDream)--before, even, the mainstream adoption of the personal computer.  On her own she discovered listening to books on tape while following along with the hard copy and a highlighter. The discovery was empowering. Words she knew, but rarely recognized in print, were now instantly decoded; she could see, for example, what "frontal lobe" or "neuroprogramming" looked like. She could highlight important words and return to them for study and memorization. It worked because it made her engage the material in a way that was visual, tactile, and auditory. And it became especially effective when she then spoke those newly-decoded words into her own tape recorder, creating condensed audio notes in her own voice. These she'd review over breakfast, while driving, whenever.

With recording lectures, she applied the same resourcefulness. The problem with lectures, she'd found, was that audio recordings were too long and unwieldy. Years before the invention of the Smart Pen (or software like Audio Note and Audio Notetaker), Willkomm devised a method for highlighting audio lecture content; during class she would tap-tap next to the microphone on her cassette recorder to mark the location of content she judged important or that she'd need to review. Those taps were easily discernible when she'd scan for them later on fast forward with her RB&D tape deck. She could listen for a quick "click click" and find and listen to that part of the recording she'd missed in class or didn't understand.

Learning and Teaching Emerging A.T.

Willkomm matured professionally in tandem with the development of A.T.  By 1982 she was training other students entering the university with learning disabilities on her strategies, as well as learning emerging A.T. herself. In the 80's there was the Arkenstone Reader which could scan print and read it back (in an awkward digitized voice). In the early 90s, while working on her PhD, she used Dragon Dictate, the first mainstream speech recognition program, making possible writing with her voice; and equally revolutionary was a  Voice Organizer, aiding with her executive functioning. Through her own experiences and her experience helping others, she came to see acquiring the tech itself as just a third of the battle. There was also learning to use it effectively, and maintaining the equipment--a lesson painfully lived when her Voice Organizer failed in graduate school (and gone were all her appointments and reminders). Journeying personally and professionally with A.T. in this way, Willkomm became an expert on software for individuals with learning disabilities as she formally pursued her doctorate in rehabilitation technology. Today she advocates a range of AT for individuals who experience dyslexia or other print disabilities.

Cutting Edge A.T .

Her current favorite writing strategy is the built-in speech-to-text tool available on her iPad. The feature is now integrated into all of iPad's functionality (the pop-up keyboard  includes a mic). And helpful for editing is iPad's recent adoption of text-highlighting  with Speak Selection (targeted text-to-speech available in the Accessibility settings). Now when her iPad reads aloud her words (with its high-quality synthesized voice), the text highlights in synch with the audio (useful for locating errors). Indeed her latest book, Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book II: Ordinary Items, Extraordinary Solutions, was created entirely with her voice and the Pages app, in this way.

Another strategy Willkomm uses for writing is to combine Dragon Naturally Speaking for text creation with Ginger Software for correcting grammar. Dragon is speech-recognition software for use on a computer (or smart phone). It allows users to create text by speaking (and also navigate applications with voice commands). For speech to text, its advantage over iPad's voice recognition is its playback options. It can read out loud a user's text with its synthesized voice or it can play back the user's own voice recorded while speaking that text. Both options highlight words on the screen in synch with the audio. And comparing each allows Willkomm to hear how Dragon captured her words against her original intent.

Next Willkomm uses Ginger Software for editing. Unlike Microsoft Word, Ginger suggests revisions for awkward sentences and poor grammar. Used with Dragon, Willkomm can hear her sentences, compare them with Ginger's suggestions,  and accept or reject a revision.

A Creative Cutting Edge

As a kinesthetic learner, rehabilitation professional, and teacher, Willkomm has become something of a low-tech and high-tech diva of A.T. From childhood forward she has explored and enjoyed materials--problem solving with wire and twine on the farm, building with scotch tape and paperclips in the back of her high school English class, and finding solutions to every day problems with every day materials  (which her books now document). Indeed, for Willkomm, "cutting edge A.T." now ranges from the latest apps for mobile devices to literally "cutting edges" with an exacto knife and corrugated plastic  (recently she received a patent for her do-it-yourself A.T. Pad stand).

Ultimately, seeing the world upside down and backwards, Willkomm believes, has given her a creative edge for problem solving. In her hands a plastic microwaveable plate, turned upside down, becomes a mounting surface for an iPad stand. A nylon flag pole holder, turned upside down, mounts a tablet computer to a wheelchair; and right side up it holds a fishing pole or umbrella. "Dyslexia," she says, "is a gift to be embraced."

As for writing, Willkomm says the message she most tries to convey is that not all students need to write with a pen, pencil or keyboard. The important thing is getting out your thoughts. "We need to educate teachers about different ways and different methods. If you're so incredibly exhausted after twenty minutes because you are forcing yourself to write, and you're fatigued and depressed and have anxiety, and all of that, because you're trying to do what society is expecting you to do, then stop! There's nothing wrong with using assistive technology! Assistive technology is wonderful."

Act II: Carolyn Phillips

College became possible for Therese Willkomm only once her learning disabilities were identified. Carolyn Phillips's story is different. She was already there.

Phillips is director of Tools for Life, Georgia's A.T. Act program housed at Georgia Tech. There Phillips relishes working with individuals with disabilities, especially students, and whole families, helping to identify assistive technology strategies. "I don't want anyone to go through what I did," she says.

As a freshman at the University of Georgia, she began the year a standout student in her English class. She participated in classroom discussions, and received an A on her first paper--created outside of class--on Kafka's The Metamorphosis. But then her teacher asked her to write and turn in a reflection composed entirely in the classroom. Phillips knew the jig was up.

Longhand she wrote with letters turned backward, repetitive word choice, and misspellings. Her teacher was astounded. "I never would have believed it," she told Phillips, "if I hadn't seen it myself. It's not like you left class and came back drunk!" That day she referred Phillips to the LD Clinic on campus.  Years of hiding had come to an end.

Mom's Home-baked UDL

Phillips explains she was lucky growing up. Her mother, Francis Phillips, was a talented grade-school teacher, and likely dyslexic herself. "Mom taught me to read and write, and she practiced Universal Design for Learning (UDL) before anyone really did that," she says. "Mom always said, 'You're smart. You just think differently, how else can you show what you know?'"

Her mother also went to bat for her at school in the fourth grade. It was during a parent-teacher conference, and Phillips was supposed to be on the playground with her sisters. Instead she hung back and listened at the door to a devastating report. Her teacher declared she was failing every subject, and warned she faced a lifetime of struggle. She said she knew Carolyn had tested well on her IQ--indeed in the gifted range--but she couldn't explain those scores because she didn't think she could learn. Ahead she saw a future of delinquency for Carolyn, low-wage work, and probably, early pregnancy.

Phillips heard her mother stand up and knock her chair over backwards. "Mom told my teacher that she clearly didn't know how to teach her child." The next day, Phillips entered a new fourth grade class where the students were busy writing poetry. To her surprise, the new teacher saw through her poor spelling and backward letters, told her that her poem was brilliant, and went on to have it published in two places.

Miss Helen

From there Phillips was in and out of gifted classrooms while masking and covering for her writing deficits. In high school she won awards in science and technology; she even edited the student paper. "I'd say to my teachers, 'You don't really want another paper to grade! How about I write a poem? Do an interpretive dance? Bake tacos? Most of the time they thought it was a creative way to demonstrate my knowledge and it worked. I thrived in educational environments that allowed for alternative ways to show that I know the material, whatever it was."

When a term paper was unavoidable, her parents provided a unique way to accommodate the task. It was a kind of early relay or home-grown speech to text solution; it was... her father's secretary, Miss Helen.

Straight through to her first year of college, Phillips dictated her papers to her father's secretary over the phone. Miss Helen would listen and type, and then send home the hard copy for corrections. "They were always my words, in my own 'voice.' She knew I was very sensitive to that." But Phillips's first year of college was in the late 80s, predating email and fax. To meet her Kafka paper's deadline, she'd had to drive it back and forth, more than an hour each way. She earned an A on that paper, but the routine, she feared, was unsustainable.

Computer Lab

Once diagnosed with dyslexia (among other learning disabilities), Phillips was provided with general accommodations that included Recordings for the Blind & Dyslexic, extended time for papers and tests, a person to read to her, as well as assistance with note taking. Like Willkomm, her experience with accommodations, and then learning emerging A.T., would influence her career choice.

In college she helped run the university's first computer lab and had her own set of keys. There she learned about word processing, especially spell check, and she worked on her papers at all hours. When the university invested in Dragon Dictate, she helped train students with spinal cord injuries to use it, and adopted it herself. Then, as a psychology major, she counseled students with academic anxieties, and increasingly found she sought them technology solutions. "Often I would end their sessions in the computer lab. That's when I started to figure out I needed to change my career plans."

Still, in those early days of A.T., she says it was tough going. It took her ten years to finish her bachelors degree. Her masters, on the other hand, she completed in just two (and with a 4.0 grade point average).

Favorite A.T.

These days Phillips estimates she uses over twenty different forms of A.T. in the course of a day. They include many apps for the iPhone that contribute to her living, learning, work and play. For reading she uses a range of screen readers (text to speech), from the built-in and free options (i.e. Natural Reader) to TextHelp and WYNN.  For writing, she uses Dragon voice recognition on her computer and iPhone (or Siri for quick emails). She also writes with a keyboard. Two of her favorite typing tools are word prediction and abbreviation expansion.

Word prediction (Read&Write, WordQ, Co:Writer) is software that anticipates the words a user will type, provides options for quick selection (similar to spell check), and generally makes writing possible with far fewer keystrokes. She prefers TextHelp (Read&Write Gold) for its high quality word prediction. (See a comparison chart of word prediction software at this Spectronics Web page).

Abbreviation expansion (or "text expansion") allows writers to paste text they use repeatedly with just a few letters or symbols. For example, Phillips types T-L-M-S for the Tools for Life mission statement; the abbreviation will generate the entire sentence. Options for abbreviation expansion include TextExpander and TextExpander touch for Mac and iOS devices, and Texter for Windows.

A Revolution--A Calling

Like Willkomm, Phillips marvels that Dragon once cost over $20,000 and is now a free app for her iPhone ("We are, absolutely, living a revolution," she says). She thinks back to those generalized accommodations she received in college, compared with everything available today, and describes how satisfying her work is now. "I get to come up with customized solutions for people to help them be successful."

Indeed, she likes to say that people with learning disabilities are "my people," that she feels a kindred spirit that shapes her attitude at Tools for Life. "For me, the best solutions are not always discovered through evaluations. Sometimes the best approach is to hang out with the person, to hang out with intent... with the intention of making life even better. I encourage people to relax, play, and try out some new solutions until they find the best one for them. I love the technology, the process and the positive outcomes. I'm lucky that that I get to play with people to help them reach their goals!"

In her latest book, Willkomm mentions approaching her work with love. Phillips clearly feels the same way. "It doesn't feel like work," she says. "It's more of a calling."

Thanks to Therese Willkomm and Carolyn Phillips for sharing their stories with MassMATCH!

Contact Therese Willkomm
Contact Carolyn Phillips

For a quick visual summary of some A.T. options for students who experience dyslexia, check out this Infographic by Jamie Martin of the Kildonan School. Also of potential interest is this recent New York Times op-ed by Blake Charlton (a novelist and physician with dyslexia).

This article first appeared in A.T. Program News, a resource for the statewide A.T. Act programs, and has been adapted here with permission. (MassMATCH Quarterly and ATPN share an editor.)
Sign Up for the A.T. Tip of the Week for Education!
A.T. Tip of the Week provided bythe Massachusetts Assistive Technology Act Program (MassMATCH). June 11, 2013
Awesome App Finder!
BridgingApps is a project of Easter Seals Houston "designed to bridge the gap between technology and people with disabilities." The Insignio apps tool is a great way to search for apps and is collecting apps reviews from BridgingApps users as well as iTunes. Android and iOS apps are listed. Learn more at BridgingApps.org.


Sign up to receive tips like these each week school is in session! 

Quick Links
Abilities Expo Boston:
Easter Seals and
MassMATCH Help Showcase A.T.
Kobena Bonney stands behind the MassMATCH table of outreach materials.
MassMATCH Coordinator Kobena Bonney providing outreach at the Abilities Expo.
The Abilities Expo took place September 20-22 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Hall. Over 4,000 people attended (not including exhibitor personnel). Abilities reports it was their largest ever first-time (to a city) show!

Tables of computer access technologies on display with people exploring.
Tom Quattrociocchi demonstrates different ways to access computers and more at the Easter Seals assistive technology booth

Karen Langley, Director of Assistive Technology, Massachusetts Executive Office of Health and Human Services, attended with her 4-year-old granddaughter. "There was a ton of kids," she reports, "and every kind of pediatric wheelchair you can imagine was on display." The exhibit hall, Langley says, was especially strong on mobility equipment. "The range of accessible vans and wheelchairs was really pretty incredible."

Adaptive bikes.
Adaptive bikes

The equipment spanned beyond the expected and into realms of emerging new concepts. Ekso Bionics, for example, exhibited their exoskeleton for individuals with paralysis.

Two men examining the Ekso exoskeleton.
The Ekso

Easter Seals MA (a MassMATCH community partner since 2005), helped diversify the tech perspective. They sponsored an "A.T. Showcase" to celebrate their 25 years providing assistive technology services in the Commonwealth. The displays were popular and highlighted the many ways assistive technology can enhance opportunities to live, learn, work and play.

A young man in a power wheelchair using alternative computer access to play a game on a monitor.
Trying out the game "Zelda" with an alternative keyboard

A.T. Regional Center Co-Coordinator Kristi Peak-Oliviera says their "A.T. for play" exhibit drew in both kids and parents. "Tom Quattrociocchi did a great job creating a table with toys and lights and sound. Kids came running over and we encouraged parents not to be shy, and help their kids in adaptive strollers and wheelchairs to get hands on."*

MassMATCH Coordinator Kobena Bonney also attended, answering questions at the MassMATCH booth about programs and the  different ways to fund assistive technology. "It was a wonderful event for all of us. I spoke to a lot of professionals as well as consumers who raved about the wide variety of technology and resources. Every single person I spoke to was also impressed with the general organization  of the expo."

Learn where Abilities is headed next!

*Speaking of technology for play and education, check out "EnGAMESment: Let's Play," a recent article on using gaming technology to teach students with special needs. (The author, Christopher Bougaj, is also co-author of the highly regarded
The Practical (and Fun) Guide to Assistive Technology in Public Schools!)

Access to Learning

by Susan Hargrave, Coordinator of Digital Learning and Accessibility, Office of Digital Learning, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

A person sitting perched on a stack of books holding a laptop. With a new school year underway, it's a good time to think about the many ways that technologies can help students to be successful.  The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has published a new guide to help schools and families explore the resources available to them. Access to Learning: Assistive Technology and Accessible Instructional Materials is a 35-page publication packed with information on best practices, state and local resources, student success stories, and commonly asked questions. Throughout the guide, readers will find links with additional information.

The guide reminds schools to consider assistive technology whenever a student is referred for special education services and an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is developed. In considering assistive technology, educators and families need to look at the tasks that the student needs to accomplish, the difficulties the student is having, and the ways that various devices might help the student better accomplish those tasks. It's important to keep in mind that providing assistive technology is not simply a matter of purchasing devices. Also critical are the various services that will support the student's use of the technology. These services can include customizing the device, maintaining it, and providing training and technical support for the student, as well as for family members and teachers who may assist the student.

Accessible instructional materials often work hand-in-hand with assistive technology, and schools must also provide accessible versions of textbooks and other printed materials for students who need them. To assist schools in providing accessible materials, Massachusetts coordinates with three providers, described in detail in the guide:
  • Massachusetts Accessible Instructional Materials Library (braille and large print)
  • Learning Ally (downloadable audiobooks)
  • Bookshare (downloadable text for use with text-to-speech applications or refreshable Braille devices) 
Also included in the guide is information on newer consumer technologies, such as tablets, which may meet the needs of students of disabilities at a cost lower than specialized devices. One advantage of using consumer devices is that they allow students with disabilities to use the same device that their peers are using. As a result, students are more inclined to use the device, because it helps them avoid the embarrassing feeling of "looking different." Even though they may be using the same device as their classmates, students with disabilities can take advantage of a wide variety of apps that address their specific needs. Included in the guide are links to several websites that review apps for student with disabilities.

Although many of the latest technologies can be very beneficial to students with disabilities, the guide warns schools against assuming that all technologies are accessible. When purchasing devices and digital media, schools need to keep accessibility on their radar screen, ask questions, and do some research. To learn more, schools can turn to an initiative called Purchase Accessible Learning Materials created by CAST, a national leader in accessibility.

The opportunities that technologies offer for improving students' lives are exciting, and new devices and applications are constantly appearing. To fully realize the potential of technology to help students, schools and families will want to to keep abreast of the latest technological advances. The guide highlights assistive technology newsletters, like this one, that can help them meet this challenge.
New Searchable Database of Free and Archived Webinars on A.T.
Accessible Technology Coalition logo.
Many institutions around the country are now offering and archiving webinars on education-related topics such as finding accessible materials, using interactive whiteboards in special education, and differentiating instruction with iPads. How do you find a list of all these archives in a single place? A new, searchable database of free, archived webinars put up by the Accessible Technology Coalition includes 45 that are relevant to K-12 educators, 12 dealing with post-secondary issues, and 20 on AAC. You can narrow your search by age range, disability, and/or keyword to easily target the webinars of most value to you. Almost all are from the last two years. Explore it at this A.T. Coalition Web page.

Lisa Wahl, A.T. Coalition at the Center for Accessible Technology
Now Available to Borrow: the VisioBook Portable Magnifier!
Student using the VisioBook at his desk facing the teacher who is at the whiteboard.

The VisioBook is great for heading back to school (and for travel).
  • Lightweight and portable, it folds as small as a notebook PC;
  • It has all the functions of a regular desktop magnifier;
  • 12-inch HD full-color widescreen monitor with LED-backlight;
  • HD camera: 1366 x 720 pixels, for both close range and distance views;
  • External power adapter/battery charger;
  • Lithium-ion battery, 5+ hours operating time.
The VisioBook was added to the Short-Term Device Loan Program  this summer. It is available to borrow for up to 4 weeks from the A.T. Regional Center in Boston. Learn more at this MassMATCH Web page.
Upcoming State House A.T. Event!

Assistive Technologies for Living, Learning, Working & Playing in Massachusetts

Wednesday, October 16th, 2013
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
2nd Floor, State House, Boston

Cutting-edge assistive technology demonstrations and information. Discover the latest technology innovations from multiple organizations.

Sponsored by the Bureau of the State House and coordinated by Easter Seals Massachusetts.

For event information contact:
Joe Bellil

For accessibility and accommodations contact:
Carl Richardson

Get A.T. Stuff Highlights

Get A.T. Stuff logo with recycling arrows surrounding the 6 New England states and the words

GetATStuff--the New England "Craig's List" for A.T.--currently has hundreds of items available for sale or free throughout the six New England states.

As of this writing, GetATStuff highlights include:

11 Vision-related items

including a  large button amplified phone in Boston for $25

16 Speech Communication-related items

including a Dynavox Maestro in like new condition for $1,000 OBO in Newton, MA.

10 Learning, Cognitive, Development related items

including a HP desktop computer with Windows 7 for $300 OBO in Barre, VT.

286 Mobility, Seating, and Positioning related items

including a Bruno Stairway lift 2750 LT for $1,000 OBO in Amesbury, MA.

290 Daily Living related items

including a alternating pressure air mattress for $600 OBO in Pittsfield, MA.

75 Environmental Adaptation related items

including a stair lift for Best Offer in Marlborough, MA.

45 Transportation and Vehicle Modification related items


including a 4-wheel scooter for Best Offer in Tilton, NH.  


10 Computer related items



including a fully adjustable computer station for FREE  in Watertown, MA

8 Recreation, Sports, and Leisure related items

including a 3-wheeled handcycle wheelchair for $200 in North Attleboro, MA

Go to www.getatstuff.org to search items by category or geography or to list what you need. Go to the MassMATCH A.T. Swap and Shop Web page to learn about additional AT reuse sites.

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