A.T. Tip of the Week

Cartoon of a man with glasses consulting a book and holding up one finger.

Provided by the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Act Program (MassMATCH)

April 14th, 2015

True or False?

AT and the IEP pop quiz!


If a parent chooses to purchase AT that is listed in the student's IEP, the school is not responsible for its maintenance/repair.


Answer: TRICK QUESTION! Legally, the school would NOT be responsible. BUT the school IS still required to provide the AT as per the IEP--so they now have a choice: repair the one that belongs to the family or figure out how to provide a replacement in order to meet the IEP. Often, the former (repairing the family's device) is the least costly option.

Thanks to Amy Goldman and the Institute on Disabilities at Temple University for this "AT and the IEP" tip!


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