A.T. Tip of the Week

Cartoon of a man with glasses consulting a book and holding up one finger.

Provided by the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Act Program (MassMATCH)

January 10th, 2017

Recap video response tool for your UDL classroom!

Here's another way for students to show you what they know: Recap. This is a tool for students to video record themselves and share feedback with their teachers, other students and parents. A blog post at TeachThought.com by Rachelle Dene Poth last week highlights this video tool as a great way to promote students finding their voice:

"After using Recap with students for assessments, for providing their feedback to me about what they liked and did not like about class, and more, I could see that they were comfortable being able to speak freely, in their own space."

Check out Recap at Letsrecap.com

Introducing Recap
Introducing Recap

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