Cartoon of a man with glasses consulting a book and holding up one finger
A.T. Tip of the Week

Provided by the Massachusetts Assistive Technology Act Program (MassMATCH)

January 8th, 2012
Ask for Kids is a valuable resource for children who have problems processing and remembering factual information. It is a great source to find answers to educational questions and has fun trivia games, too! www.askforkids.com. Graphic of a child with question mark over her head holding a box with question marks on it.


Logo for the Assistive Technology Regional Centers with two puzzle pieces and the words: See, Touch, and Try. Logo for the A.T. School Share with a school house surrounded by recycling arrows.
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Thanks to the Iowa Center for Assistive Technology Education and Research (ICATER) for generously sharing their tips with the national field of statewide AT Act programs.