MassMATCH News and Information!!!!

  MAB-Perkins Studio Announcement

For many years, both MAB Community Services and the Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library have operated recording studio programs. In the case of MAB Community Services, the studio has operated on a fee-for-service basis, while the Perkins program recorded books and other materials exclusively for the Braille & Talking Book Library

We are pleased to jointly announce that Robert Pierson, Recording Studio Manager for MAB Community Services for the past ten years, has accepted a position as Director of the Recording Studio at the Braille and Talking Book Library at Perkins School for the Blind.

 This move provides MAB and Perkins with the opportunity to consolidate our separate recording studio operations into one program at Perkins. In addition, it allows for implementation of the recommendation made in the recent report from The Boston Foundation on non-profits which urges organizations with similar functions to explore ways to realize greater efficiencies.
This consolidation of recording studio functions will make the digital transition financially feasible, and will allow for quality enhancements for both the fee-for-service component and the Library collection development aspect of the program.
This collaboration between MAB and Perkins is reminiscent of the transfer of custom recording services from the National Braille Press to MAB in 1975. MAB's recording program has grown considerably over the past 33 years--achieving many improvements in quality and service.

The rollover of fee-for-service custom recording to the Perkins Braille and Talking Book Library will occur over the next several months. Effective August 11th, Robert Pierson will start his new position as Director of the Recording Studio at the Perkins Library. The same full range of recording and audio tape and CD duplication services will continue to be available to you. If you should have any questions about this transition, feel free to contact Kim Charlson, Director of the Perkins Braille & Talking Book Library
at 617-972 7249 or email kim.charlson@perkins.org

Thank you for your past support of MAB Community Services and for your future support of the Perkins Library Recording Studio program as it moves into its expanded role and responsibilities for the blindness community in Massachusetts, throughout New England and across the nation.

Steven Rothstein
Perkins School for the Blind

Barbara Salisbury                         Chief Executive Officer

MAB Community Services                  

MassMATCH | 27 Wormwood Street | c/o MRC | Boston | MA | 02210